I have recently been learning how to play, not just for my children, but for myself.
I tend to be quite an outcome focused person and I like to do things well. When I set out to do something creative, there is tension in my body because I am hoping for a good outcome. This is not play. This is work.

Play is process focused. That means the outcome is irrelevant. Yes, irrelevant! How wonderful.
A few days ago, I got out some big sheets of paper and some paints. I sat myself on the ground and with a foam brush I started making marks on the paper, not drawing, just mark making. I felt full of emergent energy, light-heartedness and joy. I was curious about what might emerge and it was exciting.
I encourage you to find a bubble of play, every day. Your children will love it, but don’t just do it for them, do it for you. Dress up, dance, do silly walks, make sounds, scribble on paper, sing.
Every one of us wants our children to flourish and to realise their full potential. Play is the way. Play supports attachment and attachment supports our children to flourish.
If you would like to learn more about this and how it might relate to your parenting experience, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be happy to discuss how we can work together to meet the needs of you and your family.
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